On Wednesday 25th May 13 members of Ferring Conservation Group visited Ford Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). After signing in we were shown to our seats in the Education Centre where we received an informative and interesting talk about what happens to all the recyclates we place in our household bins.
The MRF is operated by Viridor on behalf of West Sussex County Council and is one of the most technological advanced MRF’s in the country. This automated process sorts and separates all the mixed recyclates into individual bales of quality materials which can then be manufactured into new goods and products. Viridor Waste Management Company employs approximately 3,500 staff and has 326 facilities nationwide.
Household recycling in West Sussex is delivered to Ford MRF via a network of transfer stations, where it is bulked up onto larger vehicles to reduce the need for more vehicles on the road. All waste received at the MRF is sorted and moved on and nothing goes to landfill.
We soon learned that the best way householders can help is to ensure that only the correct items are put in our recycling bins at home to allow the MRF to perform to its full potential. The wrong items can risk damaging the MRF and re-processors can only recycle materials that are clean, dry and loose.
To view the MRF in action we donned hard hats, which included an integrated sound system that also served to protect our ears, and walked through to the viewing platform. Here we were shown exactly how the processes are carried out from start to finish.
Once back at the Education Centre we were then tested on how much we had learned. After thanking our tutor for her help in educating and guiding us through the processes we promised to, in future, pay great attention to what we place in our household recycle bins.