Ten Bees and the Stories they Tell – last meeting of 2024

James Power, the author of a recently published book named ‘The Bees of Sussex’, was welcomed to Ferring Conservation Group’s last meeting of the year to present an illustrated talk entitled ‘Ten Bees and the Stories they Tell’.

James told the Group that he spent much of his childhood exploring the wide-open spaces of Salisbury Plain. His interest began when he discovered the diverse range of wildlife around him there and this ultimately led to a career lasting almost 40 years in nature conservation.

James’s career included working for two different Wildlife Trusts, DEFRA, the Severn Gorge Countryside Trust and The National Trust – within Britain James has worked in Wiltshire, Yorkshire, Surrey, Shropshire and now in Sussex.

For 15 years James has studied bees and his talk gave a snapshot of the wild bee populations as they shift and adapt with some species thriving and others sadly becoming extinct.

With approximately 229 species of wild bees recorded in Sussex James selected just ten to demonstrate how climate change etc has been devastating to some and advantageous to other species. Two examples are Cullum’s Bumblebee which has now disappeared from the UK but still found in Europe and Asia, although also in decline in these areas. The Ruderal Bumblebee has had more success with a good distribution throughout the South and Southeast of England together with sightings in Northern Ireland.

After a break for tea and welcome mince pies, Graham Tuppen took to the floor to advise members and visitors about the recent wildlife seen in and around the village. Along with Brent Geese, Stonechats, the resident White Starling which is now four years old and a familiar sight in Ferring, Greenfinch and Blackcap had been spotted by members.

Along the Rife a Kingfisher, Sparrowhawk, and a Great White Egret (the first known sighting of this the largest of the Egret family) were seen. Also, in a road near to the Rife a single Ring-necked Parakeet was spotted in a tree – these birds originally from Africa and Southern Asia are now widespread in the UK.

To conclude the meeting Stephen Abbott advised members of planning updates with applications still to be decided by Arun DC for the separate dwelling in the back garden of 1 Sea Drive and the additional two-bedroom extension for Greystoke Manor Care Home.